Thursday, October 10, 2024

Create GCP VM via Terraform


See also


Initialize Terraform
dave@dave:/git/devops-terraform/gcp$ terraform init
Initializing the backend...
Initializing modules...
- mynet-eu-vm in instance
- mynet-us-vm in instance
Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding latest version of hashicorp/google...
- Installing hashicorp/google v6.6.0...
- Installed hashicorp/google v6.6.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider
selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository
so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when
you run "terraform init" in the future.

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
should now work.

If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.

provider "google" {}

variable "instance_name" {}
variable "instance_zone" {}
variable "instance_type" {
  default = "e2-micro"
variable "instance_network" {}

$ cat
# Create the mynetwork network
resource "google_compute_network" "mynetwork" {
  name = "mynetwork"
  # RESOURCE properties go here
  auto_create_subnetworks = "true"
# Add a firewall rule to allow HTTP, SSH, RDP and ICMP traffic on mynetwork
resource "google_compute_firewall" "mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp" {
  name = "mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp"
  # RESOURCE properties go here
  network = google_compute_network.mynetwork.self_link
  allow {
    protocol = "tcp"
    ports    = ["22", "80", "3389"]
  allow {
    protocol = "icmp"
  source_ranges = [""]
# Create the mynet-us-vm instance
module "mynet-us-vm" {
  source           = "./instance"
  instance_name    = "mynet-us-vm"
  instance_zone    = "us-central1-a"
  instance_network = google_compute_network.mynetwork.self_link
# Create the mynet-eu-vm" instance
module "mynet-eu-vm" {
  source           = "./instance"
  instance_name    = "mynet-eu-vm"
  instance_zone    = "europe-west1-d"
  instance_network = google_compute_network.mynetwork.self_link

resource "google_compute_instance" "vm_instance" {
  name = "${var.instance_name}"
  # RESOURCE properties go here
  zone         = "${var.instance_zone}"
  machine_type = "${var.instance_type}"
  boot_disk {
    initialize_params {
      image = "debian-cloud/debian-11"
    network_interface {
    network = "${var.instance_network}"
    access_config {
      # Allocate a one-to-one NAT IP to the instance

Project structure
dave@dave:/git/devops-terraform/gcp$ find

1st attempt terraform plan 
p$ terraform plan

Planning failed. Terraform encountered an error while generating this plan.

│ Error: Attempted to load application default credentials since neither `credentials` nor `access_token` was set in the provider block.  No credentials loaded. To use your gcloud credentials, run 'gcloud auth application-default login'
│   with provider[""],
│   on line 1, in provider "google":
│    1: provider "google" {}
│ google: could not find default credentials. See for more information

Add GCP credentials
$ gcloud auth application-default login
Your browser has been opened to visit:

Credentials saved to file: [/home/dave/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json]

These credentials will be used by any library that requests Application Default Credentials (ADC).

Quota project "dave-terraform" was added to ADC which can be used by Google client libraries for billing and quota. Note that some services may still bill the project owning the resource.

2nd attempt to run terraform plan
$ terraform plan

Planning failed. Terraform encountered an error while generating this plan.

│ Error: Failed to retrieve project, pid: , err: project: required field is not set
│   with google_compute_network.mynetwork,
│   on line 2, in resource "google_compute_network" "mynetwork":
│    2: resource "google_compute_network" "mynetwork" {

Add project id into
provider "google" {
    project = "dave-terraform"
3rd attempt terraform plan
$ terraform plan

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # google_compute_firewall.mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp will be created
  + resource "google_compute_firewall" "mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp" {
      + creation_timestamp = (known after apply)
      + destination_ranges = (known after apply)
      + direction          = (known after apply)
      + enable_logging     = (known after apply)
      + id                 = (known after apply)
      + name               = "mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp"
      + network            = (known after apply)
      + priority           = 1000
      + project            = "dave-terraform"
      + self_link          = (known after apply)
      + source_ranges      = [
          + "",

      + allow {
          + ports    = [
              + "22",
              + "80",
              + "3389",
          + protocol = "tcp"
      + allow {
          + ports    = []
          + protocol = "icmp"

  # google_compute_network.mynetwork will be created
  + resource "google_compute_network" "mynetwork" {
      + auto_create_subnetworks                   = true
      + delete_default_routes_on_create           = false
      + gateway_ipv4                              = (known after apply)
      + id                                        = (known after apply)
      + internal_ipv6_range                       = (known after apply)
      + mtu                                       = (known after apply)
      + name                                      = "mynetwork"
      + network_firewall_policy_enforcement_order = "AFTER_CLASSIC_FIREWALL"
      + numeric_id                                = (known after apply)
      + project                                   = "dave-terraform"
      + routing_mode                              = (known after apply)
      + self_link                                 = (known after apply)

  # module.mynet-eu-vm.google_compute_instance.vm_instance will be created
  + resource "google_compute_instance" "vm_instance" {
      + can_ip_forward       = false
      + cpu_platform         = (known after apply)
      + current_status       = (known after apply)
      + deletion_protection  = false
      + effective_labels     = {
          + "goog-terraform-provisioned" = "true"
      + id                   = (known after apply)
      + instance_id          = (known after apply)
      + label_fingerprint    = (known after apply)
      + machine_type         = "e2-micro"
      + metadata_fingerprint = (known after apply)
      + min_cpu_platform     = (known after apply)
      + name                 = "mynet-eu-vm"
      + project              = "dave-terraform"
      + self_link            = (known after apply)
      + tags_fingerprint     = (known after apply)
      + terraform_labels     = {
          + "goog-terraform-provisioned" = "true"
      + zone                 = "europe-west1-d"

      + boot_disk {
          + auto_delete                = true
          + device_name                = (known after apply)
          + disk_encryption_key_sha256 = (known after apply)
          + kms_key_self_link          = (known after apply)
          + mode                       = "READ_WRITE"
          + source                     = (known after apply)

          + initialize_params {
              + image                  = "debian-cloud/debian-11"
              + labels                 = (known after apply)
              + provisioned_iops       = (known after apply)
              + provisioned_throughput = (known after apply)
              + resource_policies      = (known after apply)
              + size                   = (known after apply)
              + type                   = (known after apply)

      + confidential_instance_config (known after apply)

      + guest_accelerator (known after apply)

      + network_interface {
          + internal_ipv6_prefix_length = (known after apply)
          + ipv6_access_type            = (known after apply)
          + ipv6_address                = (known after apply)
          + name                        = (known after apply)
          + network                     = (known after apply)
          + network_ip                  = (known after apply)
          + stack_type                  = (known after apply)
          + subnetwork                  = (known after apply)
          + subnetwork_project          = (known after apply)

          + access_config {
              + nat_ip       = (known after apply)
              + network_tier = (known after apply)

      + reservation_affinity (known after apply)

      + scheduling (known after apply)

  # module.mynet-us-vm.google_compute_instance.vm_instance will be created
  + resource "google_compute_instance" "vm_instance" {
      + can_ip_forward       = false
      + cpu_platform         = (known after apply)
      + current_status       = (known after apply)
      + deletion_protection  = false
      + effective_labels     = {
          + "goog-terraform-provisioned" = "true"
      + id                   = (known after apply)
      + instance_id          = (known after apply)
      + label_fingerprint    = (known after apply)
      + machine_type         = "e2-micro"
      + metadata_fingerprint = (known after apply)
      + min_cpu_platform     = (known after apply)
      + name                 = "mynet-us-vm"
      + project              = "dave-terraform"
      + self_link            = (known after apply)
      + tags_fingerprint     = (known after apply)
      + terraform_labels     = {
          + "goog-terraform-provisioned" = "true"
      + zone                 = "us-central1-a"

      + boot_disk {
          + auto_delete                = true
          + device_name                = (known after apply)
          + disk_encryption_key_sha256 = (known after apply)
          + kms_key_self_link          = (known after apply)
          + mode                       = "READ_WRITE"
          + source                     = (known after apply)

          + initialize_params {
              + image                  = "debian-cloud/debian-11"
              + labels                 = (known after apply)
              + provisioned_iops       = (known after apply)
              + provisioned_throughput = (known after apply)
              + resource_policies      = (known after apply)
              + size                   = (known after apply)
              + type                   = (known after apply)

      + confidential_instance_config (known after apply)

      + guest_accelerator (known after apply)

      + network_interface {
          + internal_ipv6_prefix_length = (known after apply)
          + ipv6_access_type            = (known after apply)
          + ipv6_address                = (known after apply)
          + name                        = (known after apply)
          + network                     = (known after apply)
          + network_ip                  = (known after apply)
          + stack_type                  = (known after apply)
          + subnetwork                  = (known after apply)
          + subnetwork_project          = (known after apply)

          + access_config {
              + nat_ip       = (known after apply)
              + network_tier = (known after apply)

      + reservation_affinity (known after apply)

      + scheduling (known after apply)

Plan: 4 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.


Note: You didn't use the -out option to save this plan, so Terraform can't guarantee to take exactly these actions if you run "terraform apply" now.

Terraform apply

$ terraform apply

Plan: 4 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value: yes

google_compute_network.mynetwork: Creating...
google_compute_network.mynetwork: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
google_compute_network.mynetwork: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
google_compute_network.mynetwork: Still creating... [30s elapsed]
google_compute_network.mynetwork: Still creating... [40s elapsed]
google_compute_network.mynetwork: Still creating... [50s elapsed]
google_compute_network.mynetwork: Creation complete after 53s [id=projects/dave-terraform/global/networks/mynetwork]
google_compute_firewall.mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp: Creating...
module.mynet-eu-vm.google_compute_instance.vm_instance: Creating...
module.mynet-us-vm.google_compute_instance.vm_instance: Creating...
google_compute_firewall.mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
module.mynet-eu-vm.google_compute_instance.vm_instance: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
module.mynet-us-vm.google_compute_instance.vm_instance: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
google_compute_firewall.mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp: Creation complete after 12s [id=projects/dave-terraform/global/firewalls/mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp]
module.mynet-us-vm.google_compute_instance.vm_instance: Creation complete after 18s [id=projects/dave-terraform/zones/us-central1-a/instances/mynet-us-vm]
module.mynet-eu-vm.google_compute_instance.vm_instance: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
module.mynet-eu-vm.google_compute_instance.vm_instance: Creation complete after 26s [id=projects/dave-terraform/zones/europe-west1-d/instances/mynet-eu-vm]

Check created resources 

VPC network




Destroy created resources

  $ terraform destroy
  Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # google_compute_firewall.mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp will be destroyed
  - resource "google_compute_firewall" "mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp" {
      - creation_timestamp      = "2024-10-10T09:46:54.415-07:00" -> null
      - destination_ranges      = [] -> null
      - direction               = "INGRESS" -> null
      - disabled                = false -> null
      - id                      = "projects/dave-terraform/global/firewalls/mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp" -> null
      - name                    = "mynetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp" -> null
      - network                 = "" -> null
      - priority                = 1000 -> null
      - project                 = "dave-terraform" -> null
      - self_link               = "" -> null
      - source_ranges           = [
          - "",
        ] -> null
      - source_service_accounts = [] -> null
      - source_tags             = [] -> null
      - target_service_accounts = [] -> null
      - target_tags             = [] -> null
        # (1 unchanged attribute hidden)

      - allow {
          - ports    = [
              - "22",
              - "80",
              - "3389",
            ] -> null
          - protocol = "tcp" -> null
      - allow {
          - ports    = [] -> null
          - protocol = "icmp" -> null

  # google_compute_network.mynetwork will be destroyed
  - resource "google_compute_network" "mynetwork" {
      - auto_create_subnetworks                   = true -> null
      - delete_default_routes_on_create           = false -> null
      - enable_ula_internal_ipv6                  = false -> null
      - id                                        = "projects/dave-terraform/global/networks/mynetwork" -> null
      - mtu                                       = 0 -> null
      - name                                      = "mynetwork" -> null
      - network_firewall_policy_enforcement_order = "AFTER_CLASSIC_FIREWALL" -> null
      - numeric_id                                = "8609352241044109862" -> null
      - project                                   = "dave-terraform" -> null
      - routing_mode                              = "REGIONAL" -> null
      - self_link                                 = "" -> null
        # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 2 to destroy.

Do you really want to destroy all resources?
  Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.
  There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.

  Enter a value: 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Convert Java properties file to sed commands using ant



Install antcontrib 

Get via Maven

To install ant-contrib:

  1. Copy ant-contrib-0.3.jar to the lib directory of your Ant installation. If you want to use one of the tasks in your own project, add the lines
    <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"/>
    to your build file.
  2. Keep ant-contrib-0.3.jar in a separate location. You now have to tell Ant explicitly where to find it (say in /usr/share/java/lib):
    <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/">
        <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/lib/ant-contrib-0.3.jar"/>


Get antcontrib.jar via Maven
<project xmlns=""


        <!-- -->


$ mvn clean install

[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:copy-dependencies (default) @ tools ---
[INFO] Copying ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar to /git/java-tutorial/tools/target/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar
[INFO] Copying ant-1.5.jar to /git/java-tutorial/tools/target/lib/ant-1.5.jar

 Properties file

date=Sun Sep 15 08:43:48 AM CEST 2024


Build.xml to produce sed file from properties file

Notice that @ gives value of for cycle variable , $ gives value of ant property
<project name="properties-to-sed">

    <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
            <pathelement location="target/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar"/>

    <target name="convert">
        <property file="" prefix="dave."/>
        <propertyselector property="dave" match="dave\.(.*)" select="\1"/>
        <for param="key" list="${dave}">
                <echo message="s#@{key}#${dave.@{key}}#g${line.separator}" file="replace-dave-props.sed" append="true"/>

Run ant 

 $ ant convert
Buildfile: /git/java-tutorial/tools/build.xml

     [echo] url=
     [echo] a=1
     [echo] date=Sun Sep 15 08:43:48 AM CEST 2024
     [echo] jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:dave@dave:1521/DAVE_DB

Total time: 0 seconds

Sed file produced from properties file

$ cat replace-dave-props.sed
s#date#Sun Sep 15 08:43:48 AM CEST 2024#g


 Asking Gemimi for hints - useful, provided idea with antcontrib for cycle, needs fixing - add antcontrib install, fix for cycle



  1. Create a build.xml file:

    • Write the Ant build script in a build.xml file.
    • Define a target to perform the conversion.
  2. Load properties file:

    • Use the property task to load the properties file.
  3. Generate sed commands:

    • Use the for task to iterate over the properties entries.
    • For each entry, create a sed command using the echo task.
  4. Write sed commands to file:

    • Use the echo task to write the generated sed commands to a file.

build.xml example:

<project name="properties-to-sed">
    <target name="convert">
        <property file=""/>

        <for param="key" elements="${replacements.keys()}">
                <echo message="s/${replacements.${key}}/${replacements.${key}}/g" file="sed_script.sed" append="true"/>


  • The file should contain key-value pairs where the key is the search pattern and the value is the replacement string. For example:
  • The build.xml file defines a convert target.
  • The property task loads the properties file.
  • The for task iterates over the keys in the properties file.
  • For each key, an echo task creates a sed command using the key and value as the search pattern and replacement string.
  • The echo task writes the sed command to the sed_script.sed file, appending it to the end of the file.

Additional considerations:

  • You can customize the sed command format based on your specific requirements.
  • If you need to escape special characters in the search patterns or replacement strings, use appropriate escape sequences.
  • For more complex scenarios or performance optimization, consider using a dedicated scripting language like Python or Perl.

 Asking ChatGPT for comparison

Daniel Veselka
convert properties file to sed commands using antcontrib for cycle

To convert a properties file to sed commands using ant-contrib's for loop functionality, you'll need to follow a similar approach as previously mentioned, with some adjustments to implement the loop correctly. Below, I’ll provide a complete and detailed example, including how to set up your environment to use ant-contrib for iterating through properties.

Example Properties File

Assuming you have a properties file named

app.version=1.0.0 Doe

Ant Build File
<project name="PropertiesToSed" default="convert" basedir=".">
    <property file=""/>
    <target name="convert">
        <echo message="Converting properties to sed commands..." />

        <!-- Loop through the properties defined in -->
        <property name="properties.list" value=",app.version,"/>

        <foreach list="${properties.list}" param="property">
                <echo message="sed -i 's/${property}=.*/${property}=${property}:${property}/g' target_file.txt" />

Explanation of the Ant Build File

  1. Task Definition for Ant-Contrib: The line <taskdef resource="" /> defines the ant-contrib functions so you can use them in your Ant script. Make sure you have the ant-contrib.jar in your Ant classpath.

  2. Loading Properties: The properties file is loaded into the project with <property file=""/>.

  3. Defining Properties List: A property properties.list is defined, listing all the keys in the properties file that you want to generate sed commands for.

  4. Using <for> Loop: The <for> loop is used to iterate over the properties list. Each property will be accessible via the variable ${property} in the loop.

  5. Generating sed Commands:

    • The echo command inside the loop outputs the sed command that will perform the desired replacement in target_file.txt.
    • If you want to replace the value of each property in the file, you can use ${property} to get the key and ${property.value} to retrieve the corresponding value.

Step to Execute the Ant Script

  1. Ensure you have ant-contrib: Download the ant-contrib.jar and place it in the lib directory of your Ant installation or add it to your classpath.

  2. Run the Ant command:

ant convert

Final Notes

  • The generated sed command will replace the line in target_file.txt that matches the pattern property=, updating it with the value from
  • Adjust the target_file.txt with your actual target file; this is the file where the properties should be replaced.
  • Remember that you can customize the sed command based on how you want to implement the replacements based on your specific requirements.


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Java Microprofile GraphQL client using Open Liberty





Build client 

[INFO] -------------&lt; io.openliberty.guides:guide-graphql-intro &gt;--------------
[INFO] Building guide-graphql-intro 1.0-SNAPSHOT                          [5/5]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for guide-graphql-intro 1.0-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] guide-graphql-client-models ........................ SUCCESS [  0.786 s]
[INFO] guide-graphql-client-query ......................... SUCCESS [  1.080 s]
[INFO] guide-graphql-client-graphql ....................... SUCCESS [  0.252 s]
[INFO] guide-graphql-client-system ........................ SUCCESS [  0.189 s]
[INFO] guide-graphql-intro ................................ SUCCESS [  0.001 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Access client http://localhost:9084/openapi/ui/


Run query 


Java Microprofile GraphQL server using Open Liberty






Build models 

$ mvn -pl models install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------< io.openliberty.guides:guide-microprofile-graphql-models >-------
[INFO] Building guide-microprofile-graphql-models 1.0-SNAPSHOT

[INFO] Installing /git/guide-microprofile-graphql/finish/models/target/guide-microprofile-graphql-models-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/dave/.m2/repository/io/openliberty/guides/guide-microprofile-graphql-models/1.0-SNAPSHOT/guide-microprofile-graphql-models-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /git/guide-microprofile-graphql/finish/models/pom.xml to /home/dave/.m2/repository/io/openliberty/guides/guide-microprofile-graphql-models/1.0-SNAPSHOT/guide-microprofile-graphql-models-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Package WAR

$ mvn package

[INFO] Reactor Summary for guide-graphql-intro 1.0-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] guide-microprofile-graphql-models .................. SUCCESS [  0.794 s]
[INFO] guide-microprofile-graphql-system .................. SUCCESS [ 10.233 s]
[INFO] guide-microprofile-graphql-graphql ................. SUCCESS [  0.254 s]
[INFO] guide-graphql-intro ................................ SUCCESS [  0.001 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Enable GraphQL UI  in server.xml

<server description="GraphQL service">

    <variable name="http.port" defaultValue="9082"/>
    <variable name="https.port" defaultValue="9445"/>

    <variable name="io.openliberty.enableGraphQLUI" value="true" />

    <webApplication location="guide-microprofile-graphql-graphql.war" contextRoot="/" />
    <httpEndpoint host="*" httpPort="${http.port}" 
        httpsPort="${https.port}" id="defaultHttpEndpoint"/>



$ jar tvf ./graphql/target/guide-microprofile-graphql-graphql.war
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 META-INF/
    81 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/guides/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/guides/graphql/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/guides/graphql/client/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/lib/
   433 Sat May 25 07:27:24 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/web.xml
  6366 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/guides/graphql/GraphQLService.class
  1415 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/guides/graphql/client/SystemClient.class
   568 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/guides/graphql/client/UnknownUriException.class
  2268 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/guides/graphql/client/UnknownUriExceptionMapper.class
  6693 Sat May 25 07:37:56 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/lib/guide-microprofile-graphql-models-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
 15086 Sat May 25 07:27:24 CEST 2024 favicon.ico
  3150 Sat May 25 07:27:24 CEST 2024 index.html
  4503 Sat May 25 07:27:24 CEST 2024 META-INF/maven/io.openliberty.guides/guide-microprofile-graphql-graphql/pom.xml
    97 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 META-INF/maven/io.openliberty.guides/guide-microprofile-graphql-graphql/



dave@fedora:/git/guide-microprofile-graphql/finish$ jar tvf ./system/target/guide-microprofile-graphql-system.war
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 META-INF/
    81 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/guides/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/guides/system/
     0 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/lib/
   432 Sat May 25 07:27:24 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/web.xml
  1942 Sat May 25 07:38:30 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/guides/system/SystemPropertiesResource.class
   444 Sat May 25 07:38:30 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/guides/system/SystemApplication.class
  2398 Sat May 25 07:38:30 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/classes/io/openliberty/guides/system/SystemMetricsResource.class
  6693 Sat May 25 07:37:56 CEST 2024 WEB-INF/lib/guide-microprofile-graphql-models-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
  2461 Sat May 25 07:27:24 CEST 2024 index.html
  4007 Sat May 25 07:27:24 CEST 2024 META-INF/maven/io.openliberty.guides/guide-microprofile-graphql-system/pom.xml
    96 Sat May 25 07:38:34 CEST 2024 META-INF/maven/io.openliberty.guides/guide-microprofile-graphql-system/


Build Docker images

dave@fedora:/git/guide-microprofile-graphql/finish$ docker images
REPOSITORY                    TAG                   IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
graphql                       1.0-SNAPSHOT          727f633aa833   19 seconds ago   753MB
system                        1.0-java17-SNAPSHOT   6812f8c9c7c0   45 seconds ago   765MB
system                        1.0-java11-SNAPSHOT   915f228505ad   2 minutes ago    747MB

 Start containers 

$ ./scripts/
dave@fedora:/git/guide-microprofile-graphql/finish$ docker ps 
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                        COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                                           NAMES
d175e2f72bfd   graphql:1.0-SNAPSHOT         "/opt/ol/helpers/run…"   7 seconds ago   Up 6 seconds   9080/tcp, 9443/tcp,>9082/tcp, :::9082->9082/tcp   graphql
53de0a3383d8   system:1.0-java17-SNAPSHOT   "/opt/ol/helpers/run…"   7 seconds ago   Up 6 seconds   9080/tcp, 9443/tcp                                              system-java17
1b7b58a43e02   system:1.0-java11-SNAPSHOT   "/opt/ol/helpers/run…"   7 seconds ago   Up 6 seconds   9080/tcp, 9443/tcp                                              system-java11

Call GraphQL endpoint http://localhost:9082/graphql/schema.graphql

"Mutation root"
type Mutation {
  "Changes the note set for the system"
  editNote(hostname: String, note: String): Boolean!

"Query root"
type Query {
  "Gets information about the system"
  system(hostname: String): system!
  "Gets system load data from the systems"
  systemLoad(hostnames: [String]): [systemLoad]

"Information about a Java installation"
type java {
  vendorName: String
  version: String!

"System usage data"
type loadData {
  heapUsed: BigInteger!
  loadAverage: Float!
  nonHeapUsed: BigInteger!

"Information about a single system"
type system {
  hostname: String!
  java: java!
  note: String
  osArch: String
  osName: String
  osVersion: String
  systemMetrics: systemMetrics!
  username: String!

"Information of system usage"
type systemLoad {
  hostname: String!
  loadData: loadData

"System metrics"
type systemMetrics {
  heapSize: BigInteger!
  nonHeapSize: BigInteger!
  processors: Int!

Access GraphiQL at the http://localhost:9082/graphql-ui 


Query structure

# An example GraphQL query might look like:
#     {
#       field(arg: "value") {
#         subField
#       }
#     }



query {
  system(hostname: "system-java11") {
    systemMetrics {
    java {


  "data": {
    "system": {
      "hostname": "system-java11",
      "username": "default",
      "osArch": "amd64",
      "osName": "Linux",
      "osVersion": "6.8.10-200.fc39.x86_64",
      "systemMetrics": {
        "processors": 12,
        "heapSize": 4110352384,
        "nonHeapSize": -1
      "java": {
        "vendorName": "IBM Corporation",
        "version": "11.0.22"

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Weblogic JNDI EJB names


See also



Java Naming and Directory Interface API

The naming environment provides four logical namespaces: java:comp, java:module, java:app, and java:global for objects available to components, modules, or applications or shared by all deployed applications. A Java EE component can access named system-provided and user-defined objects. The names of some system-provided objects, such as a default JDBC DataSource object, a default JMS connection factory, and a JTA UserTransaction object, are stored in the java:comp namespace. The Java EE platform allows a component to name user-defined objects, such as enterprise beans, environment entries, JDBC DataSource objects, and messaging destinations.

A Java EE component can also locate its environment naming context by using JNDI interfaces. A component can create a javax.naming.InitialContext object and look up the environment naming context in InitialContext under the name java:comp/env. A component’s naming environment is stored directly in the environment naming context or in any of its direct or indirect subcontexts.

JNDI names in deploy log

<Creating application-scoped data source connection pool java:module/env/mavenArchetypeDataSource for Application basicWebappEjb, Module basicWebappEjb, URL = xxxxxx, Properties = xxxxxx.>

 Complete log

####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,007 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582007> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014021> <The EJB BankManagerImpl(Application: basicWebappEjb, EJBComponent: basicWebappEjb.war) has been successfully deployed. The following remote interfaces have been bound into JNDI with the specified JNDI names:>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014022> <dave.service.BankManager is bound with JNDI name java:module/BankManagerImpl.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014022> <dave.service.BankManager is bound with JNDI name java:app/basicWebappEjb/BankManagerImpl!dave.service.BankManager.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014022> <dave.service.BankManager is bound with JNDI name java:app/basicWebappEjb/BankManagerImpl.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014022> <dave.service.BankManager is bound with JNDI name java:global/basicWebappEjb/BankManagerImpl!dave.service.BankManager.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014022> <dave.service.BankManager is bound with JNDI name java:module/BankManagerImpl!dave.service.BankManager.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014022> <dave.service.BankManager is bound with JNDI name java:global/basicWebappEjb/BankManagerImpl.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014021> <The EJB AccountManagerImpl(Application: basicWebappEjb, EJBComponent: basicWebappEjb.war) has been successfully deployed. The following remote interfaces have been bound into JNDI with the specified JNDI names:>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014022> <dave.service.AccountManager is bound with JNDI name java:app/basicWebappEjb/AccountManagerImpl!dave.service.AccountManager.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014022> <dave.service.AccountManager is bound with JNDI name java:module/AccountManagerImpl.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014022> <dave.service.AccountManager is bound with JNDI name java:module/AccountManagerImpl!dave.service.AccountManager.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014022> <dave.service.AccountManager is bound with JNDI name java:global/basicWebappEjb/AccountManagerImpl!dave.service.AccountManager.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014022> <dave.service.AccountManager is bound with JNDI name java:app/basicWebappEjb/AccountManagerImpl.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-014022> <dave.service.AccountManager is bound with JNDI name java:global/basicWebappEjb/AccountManagerImpl.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,008 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582008> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-015075> <EJB deployment state ACTIVATED for [basicWebappEjb:basicWebappEjb, basicWebappEjb.war:basicWebappEjb:basicWebappEjb.war](BankManagerImpl, AccountManagerImpl) >
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,009 PM Central European Summer Time> <Warning> <EclipseLink> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582009> <[severity-value: 16] [rid: 0] > <BEA-2005000> <2024-05-12 17:09:42.009--No partition instance associated with current SessionManager instance.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,013 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <Deployer> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582013> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-149060> <Module basicWebappEjb.war of application basicWebappEjb successfully transitioned from STATE_PREPARED to STATE_ADMIN on server AdminServer.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,043 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.config> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <weblogic> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582043> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <jsf.config.listener.version> <Initializing Mojarra |version.string| for context '/basicWebappEjb'>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,166 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582166> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-015075> <EJB deployment state STARTED for [basicWebappEjb:basicWebappEjb, basicWebappEjb.war:basicWebappEjb:basicWebappEjb.war](BankManagerImpl, AccountManagerImpl) >
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,166 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <Deployer> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582166> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-149059> <Module basicWebappEjb.war of application basicWebappEjb is transitioning from STATE_ADMIN to STATE_ACTIVE on server AdminServer.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,166 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <EJB> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582166> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-015075> <EJB deployment state ADMIN-TO-PRODUCTION for [basicWebappEjb:basicWebappEjb, basicWebappEjb.war:basicWebappEjb:basicWebappEjb.war](BankManagerImpl, AccountManagerImpl) >
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,166 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <Deployer> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dc> <1715526582166> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-149060> <Module basicWebappEjb.war of application basicWebappEjb successfully transitioned from STATE_ADMIN to STATE_ACTIVE on server AdminServer.>
####<May 12, 2024, 5:09:42,194 PM Central European Summer Time> <Info> <Deployer> <fedora> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <15110b61-5602-4852-9ea1-778bb0a83817-000008dd> <1715526582194> <[severity-value: 64] [rid: 0] > <BEA-149074> <Successfully completed deployment task: [Deployer:149026]deploy application basicWebappEjb on AdminServer..>