Sunday, September 15, 2024

Convert Java properties file to sed commands using ant



Install antcontrib 

Get via Maven

To install ant-contrib:

  1. Copy ant-contrib-0.3.jar to the lib directory of your Ant installation. If you want to use one of the tasks in your own project, add the lines
    <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"/>
    to your build file.
  2. Keep ant-contrib-0.3.jar in a separate location. You now have to tell Ant explicitly where to find it (say in /usr/share/java/lib):
    <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/">
        <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/lib/ant-contrib-0.3.jar"/>


Get antcontrib.jar via Maven
<project xmlns=""


        <!-- -->


$ mvn clean install

[INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:copy-dependencies (default) @ tools ---
[INFO] Copying ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar to /git/java-tutorial/tools/target/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar
[INFO] Copying ant-1.5.jar to /git/java-tutorial/tools/target/lib/ant-1.5.jar

 Properties file

date=Sun Sep 15 08:43:48 AM CEST 2024


Build.xml to produce sed file from properties file

Notice that @ gives value of for cycle variable , $ gives value of ant property
<project name="properties-to-sed">

    <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
            <pathelement location="target/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar"/>

    <target name="convert">
        <property file="" prefix="dave."/>
        <propertyselector property="dave" match="dave\.(.*)" select="\1"/>
        <for param="key" list="${dave}">
                <echo message="s#@{key}#${dave.@{key}}#g${line.separator}" file="replace-dave-props.sed" append="true"/>

Run ant 

 $ ant convert
Buildfile: /git/java-tutorial/tools/build.xml

     [echo] url=
     [echo] a=1
     [echo] date=Sun Sep 15 08:43:48 AM CEST 2024
     [echo] jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:dave@dave:1521/DAVE_DB

Total time: 0 seconds

Sed file produced from properties file

$ cat replace-dave-props.sed
s#date#Sun Sep 15 08:43:48 AM CEST 2024#g


 Asking Gemimi for hints - useful, provided idea with antcontrib for cycle, needs fixing - add antcontrib install, fix for cycle



  1. Create a build.xml file:

    • Write the Ant build script in a build.xml file.
    • Define a target to perform the conversion.
  2. Load properties file:

    • Use the property task to load the properties file.
  3. Generate sed commands:

    • Use the for task to iterate over the properties entries.
    • For each entry, create a sed command using the echo task.
  4. Write sed commands to file:

    • Use the echo task to write the generated sed commands to a file.

build.xml example:

<project name="properties-to-sed">
    <target name="convert">
        <property file=""/>

        <for param="key" elements="${replacements.keys()}">
                <echo message="s/${replacements.${key}}/${replacements.${key}}/g" file="sed_script.sed" append="true"/>


  • The file should contain key-value pairs where the key is the search pattern and the value is the replacement string. For example:
  • The build.xml file defines a convert target.
  • The property task loads the properties file.
  • The for task iterates over the keys in the properties file.
  • For each key, an echo task creates a sed command using the key and value as the search pattern and replacement string.
  • The echo task writes the sed command to the sed_script.sed file, appending it to the end of the file.

Additional considerations:

  • You can customize the sed command format based on your specific requirements.
  • If you need to escape special characters in the search patterns or replacement strings, use appropriate escape sequences.
  • For more complex scenarios or performance optimization, consider using a dedicated scripting language like Python or Perl.

 Asking ChatGPT for comparison

Daniel Veselka
convert properties file to sed commands using antcontrib for cycle

To convert a properties file to sed commands using ant-contrib's for loop functionality, you'll need to follow a similar approach as previously mentioned, with some adjustments to implement the loop correctly. Below, I’ll provide a complete and detailed example, including how to set up your environment to use ant-contrib for iterating through properties.

Example Properties File

Assuming you have a properties file named

app.version=1.0.0 Doe

Ant Build File
<project name="PropertiesToSed" default="convert" basedir=".">
    <property file=""/>
    <target name="convert">
        <echo message="Converting properties to sed commands..." />

        <!-- Loop through the properties defined in -->
        <property name="properties.list" value=",app.version,"/>

        <foreach list="${properties.list}" param="property">
                <echo message="sed -i 's/${property}=.*/${property}=${property}:${property}/g' target_file.txt" />

Explanation of the Ant Build File

  1. Task Definition for Ant-Contrib: The line <taskdef resource="" /> defines the ant-contrib functions so you can use them in your Ant script. Make sure you have the ant-contrib.jar in your Ant classpath.

  2. Loading Properties: The properties file is loaded into the project with <property file=""/>.

  3. Defining Properties List: A property properties.list is defined, listing all the keys in the properties file that you want to generate sed commands for.

  4. Using <for> Loop: The <for> loop is used to iterate over the properties list. Each property will be accessible via the variable ${property} in the loop.

  5. Generating sed Commands:

    • The echo command inside the loop outputs the sed command that will perform the desired replacement in target_file.txt.
    • If you want to replace the value of each property in the file, you can use ${property} to get the key and ${property.value} to retrieve the corresponding value.

Step to Execute the Ant Script

  1. Ensure you have ant-contrib: Download the ant-contrib.jar and place it in the lib directory of your Ant installation or add it to your classpath.

  2. Run the Ant command:

ant convert

Final Notes

  • The generated sed command will replace the line in target_file.txt that matches the pattern property=, updating it with the value from
  • Adjust the target_file.txt with your actual target file; this is the file where the properties should be replaced.
  • Remember that you can customize the sed command based on how you want to implement the replacements based on your specific requirements.