Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Setup Weblogic Kubernetes ( k8s) Operator in GCP - Install the operator and ingress controller


Install the operator and ingress controller             

 Set up the operator Helm chart access

$ helm repo add weblogic-operator --force-update
"weblogic-operator" has been added to your repositories

$ helm repo list
NAME                    URL                                                         
List versions
$ helm search repo weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator --versions
NAME                                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                                      
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.1.7           4.1.7           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.1.6           4.1.6           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.1.5           4.1.5           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.1.4           4.1.4           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.1.3           4.1.3           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.1.2           4.1.2           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.1.1           4.1.1           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.1.0           4.1.0           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.0.10          4.0.10          Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.0.9           4.0.9           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.0.8           4.0.8           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.0.7           4.0.7           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.0.6           4.0.6           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.0.5           4.0.5           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.0.4           4.0.4           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.0.3           4.0.3           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.0.2           4.0.2           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.0.1           4.0.1           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     4.0.0           4.0.0           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.4.11          3.4.11          Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.4.10          3.4.10          Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.4.9           3.4.9           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.4.8           3.4.8           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.4.7           3.4.7           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.4.6           3.4.6           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.4.5           3.4.5           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.4.4           3.4.4           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.4.3           3.4.3           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.4.2           3.4.2           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.4.1           3.4.1           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.4.0           3.4.0           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.3.8           3.3.8           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.3.7           3.3.7           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.3.6           3.3.6           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.3.5           3.3.5           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.3.4           3.3.4           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.3.3           3.3.3           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.3.2           3.3.2           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.3.1           3.3.1           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.3.0           3.3.0           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.2.5           3.2.5           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.2.4           3.2.4           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.2.3           3.2.3           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.2.2           3.2.2           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.2.1           3.2.1           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.2.0           3.2.0           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.1.4           3.1.4           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.1.3           3.1.3           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.1.2           3.1.2           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.1.1           3.1.1           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.1.0           3.1.0           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.0.4                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.0.3                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.0.2                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.0.1                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     3.0.0                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     2.6.0                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     2.5.0                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     2.4.0                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     2.3.1                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     2.3.0                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     2.2.1                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     2.2.0                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     2.1                             Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator     2.0.1                           Helm chart for configuring the WebLogic operator.
Inspect the operator Helm chart
$ helm show values weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator
# Copyright (c) 2018, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at

# serviceAccount specifies the name of the ServiceAccount in the operator's namespace that the
# operator will use to make requests to the Kubernetes API server.
# The customer is responsible for creating the ServiceAccount in the same namespace as this Helm release.
# If not specified, the operator will use the Helm release namespace's 'default' ServiceAccount.
serviceAccount: default

# domainNamespaceSelectionStrategy specifies how the operator will select the set of namespaces
# that it will manage. Legal values are: LabelSelector, RegExp, List, and Dedicated.
# If set to 'LabelSelector', then the operator will manage the set of namespaces discovered by a list
# of namespaces using the value specified by 'domainNamespaceLabelSelector' as a label selector.
# If set to 'RegExp', then the operator will manage the set of namespaces discovered by a list
# of namespaces using the value specified by 'domainNamespaceRegExp' as a regular expression matched
# against the namespace names.
# If set to 'List', then the operator will manage the set of namespaces listed by the 'domainNamespaces' value.
# If set to 'Dedicated', then operator will manage WebLogic Domains only in the same namespace
# where the operator itself is deployed, which is the namespace of the Helm release.
# If not specified, the default is LabelSelector
domainNamespaceSelectionStrategy: LabelSelector

# domainNamespaceLabelSelector specifies the label selector value that the operator will use when listing
# namespaces in search of the namespaces that contain WebLogic Domains that this operator will manage. Ignored
# if 'domainNamespaceSelectionStrategy' is not 'LabelSelector'. If not specified, the default is "weblogic-operator=enabled"
# Example: manage any namespace with a label named "weblogic-operator" that has value "enabled".
# domainNamespaceLabelSelector: 'weblogic-operator=enabled'

# domainNamespaceRegExp specifies a regular expression that will be matched against namespace names when listing
# namespaces in search of the namespaces that contain WebLogic Domains that this operator will manage. Ignored
# if 'domainNamespaceSelectionStrategy' is not 'RegExp'.
# Example: manage any namespace where the namespace name starts with "prod".
# domainNamespaceRegExp: ^prod

# domainNamespaces specifies list of WebLogic Domain namespaces that this operator manages. This value
# is ignored if 'domainNamespaceSelectionStrategy' is not 'List'. The customer is responsible for creating these
# namespaces. If not specified, then the operator will manage WebLogic Domains in the Kubernetes 'default' namespace.
# Example: In the configuration below, the operator will manage namespace1 and namespace2.
# domainNamespaces:
# - "namespace1"
# - "namespace2"

# enableClusterRoleBinding specifies whether the roles necessary for the operator to manage domains
# will be granted using a ClusterRoleBinding rather than using RoleBindings in each managed namespace.
# If not specified, the default is true unless 'domainNamespaceSelectionStrategy' is 'Dedicated, in which
# case this value is ignored as all resources will be created in the namespace where the operator is deployed.
enableClusterRoleBinding: true

# image specifies the container image containing the operator.
image: ""

# imagePullPolicy specifies the image pull policy for the operator's container image.
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

# imagePullSecrets contains an optional list of Kubernetes Secrets, in the operator's namespace,
# that are needed to access the registry containing the operator's container image.
# The customer is responsible for creating the Secret.
# If no Secrets are required, then omit this property.
# Example: a Secret is needed, and has been stored in 'my-operator-secret'
# imagePullSecrets:
# - name: "my-operator-secret"

# enableRest specifies whether the operator's REST interface is enabled. Beginning with version 4.0.5,
# the REST interface will be disabled by default.
# enableRest: true

# externalRestEnabled specifies whether the operator's REST interface is exposed
# outside the Kubernetes cluster on the port specified by the 'externalRestHttpsPort'
# property. Ignored if 'enableRest' is not true.
# If set to true, then the customer must provide the SSL certificate and private key for
# the operator's external REST interface by specifying the 'externalOperatorCert' and
# 'externalOperatorKey' properties.
externalRestEnabled: false

# externalRestHttpsPort specifies the node port that should be allocated for the external operator REST HTTPS interface.
# This parameter is required if 'externalRestEnabled' is true.
# Otherwise, it is ignored.
externalRestHttpsPort: 31001

# The name of the Secret used to store the certificate and private key to use for the external operator REST HTTPS interface.
# The Secret has to be created in the same namespace of the WebLogic operator.
# This parameter is required if 'externalRestEnabled' is true. Otherwise, it is ignored.
# As example, an external REST identity can be created using the following sample script
# kubernetes/samples/scripts/rest/
# externalRestIdentitySecret:

# elkIntegrationEnabled specifies whether ELK integration is enabled.
elkIntegrationEnabled: false

# logStashImage specifies the container image containing Logstash.
# This parameter is ignored if 'elkIntegrationEnabled' is false.
logStashImage: "logstash:6.8.23"

# elasticSearchHost specifies the hostname of where elasticsearch is running.
# This parameter is ignored if 'elkIntegrationEnabled' is false.
elasticSearchHost: "elasticsearch.default.svc.cluster.local"

# elasticSearchPort specifies the port number of where elasticsearch is running.
# This parameter is ignored if 'elkIntegrationEnabled' is false.
elasticSearchPort: 9200

# elasticSearchProtocol specifies the protocol to be used for communication with elasticsearch.
# This parameter is ignored if 'elkIntegrationEnabled' is false.
elasticSearchProtocol: http

# createlogStashConfigMap specifies whether a ConfigMap named
# weblogic-operator-logstash-cm should be created during helm install.
# The ConfigMap contains the Logstash pipeline configuration for the Logstash
# container running in the operator pod.
# If set to true, a ConfigMap will be created during Helm install using the
# logstash.conf file in the kubernetes/samples/charts/weblogic-operator directory.
# Set createLogStashConfigMap to false if the ConfigMap
# already exists in the operator's namespace with the Logstash 
# configuration provided by the customer.
# This parameter is ignored if 'elkIntegrationEnabled' is false.
createLogStashConfigMap: true

# featureGates specifies a set of key=value pairs separated by commas that describe whether a given
# operator feature is enabled. You enable a feature by including a key=value pair where the key is the
# feature name and the value is "true". This will allow the operator team to release features that
# are not yet ready to be enabled by default, but that are ready for testing by customers. Once a feature is
# stable then it will be enabled by default and can not be disabled using this configuration.
# featureGates: "...,AuxiliaryImage=true"

# javaLoggingLevel specifies the Java logging level for the operator. This affects the operator pod's
# log output and the contents of log files in the container's /logs/ directory.
# Valid values are: "SEVERE", "WARNING", "INFO", "CONFIG", "FINE", "FINER", and "FINEST".
javaLoggingLevel: "INFO"

# javaLoggingFileSizeLimit specifies the maximum size in bytes for an individual Java logging file in the operator container's
# /logs/ directory.
javaLoggingFileSizeLimit: 20000000

# javaLoggingFileCount specifies the number of Java logging files to preserve in the operator container's /logs/
# directory as the files are rotated.
javaLoggingFileCount: 10

# labels specifies a set of key-value labels that will be added to each pod running the operator.
# See

# annotations specifies a set of key-value annotations that will be added to each pod running the operator.
# See

# nodeSelector specifies a matching rule that the Kubernetes scheduler will use when selecting the node
# where the operator will run. If the nodeSelector value is specified, then this content will be added to
# the operator's deployment. See
# for more information on node selectors.
# webhookOnly specifies whether only the conversion webhook should be installed during the helm install
# and that the operator installation should be skipped.
# By default, the helm install command installs both the operator and the conversion webhook.
# If set to true, the helm install will install only the conversion webhook (and not the operator).
# The default value is false.
webhookOnly: false

# operatorOnly specifies whether only the operator should be installed during the helm install and that 
# the conversion webhook installation should be skipped.
# By default, the helm install command installs both the operator and the conversion webhook.
# If set to true, the helm install will install only the operator (and not the conversion webhook).
# The default value is false.
operatorOnly: false
# preserveWebhook specifies whether the previous webhook deployment should be preserved
# when the chart is uninstalled using helm uninstall.
# By default, the helm uninstall will remove both the webhook deployment and the operator deployment.
# If set to true, the helm uninstall command will skip removing the webhook deployment.
# The default value is false.
preserveWebhook: false

# affinity specifies a set of matching rules related to the presence of other workloads that the Kubernetes scheduler
# will use when selecting the node where the operator will run. If the affinity value is specified, then this content
# will be added to the operator's deployment. See
# for more information on affinity and anti-affinity.

# tolerations and taints work together to ensure that pods are not scheduled on inappropriate nodes. If the tolerations value is specified,
# then this content will be added to the operator's deployment. See
# for more information on tolerations and taints.

# Values related to debugging the operator.
# Customers should not need to use the following properties

# remoteDebugNodePortEnabled specifies whether the operator will provide a Java remote debug interface on the
# provided port. If the 'suspendOnDebugStartup' property is specified, the operator will suspend execution
# until a remote debugger has attached.
# The 'internalDebugHttpPort' property controls the port number inside the Kubernetes
# cluster and the 'externalDebugHttpPort' property controls the port number outside
# the Kubernetes cluster.
remoteDebugNodePortEnabled: false

#suspendOnDebugStartup specifies whether the operator will suspend on startup when a Java remote debugging is enabled.
suspendOnDebugStartup: false

# internalDebugHttpPort specifies the port number inside the Kubernetes cluster for the operator's Java
# remote debug interface.
# This parameter is required if 'remoteDebugNodePortEnabled' is true.
# Otherwise, it is ignored.
internalDebugHttpPort: 30999

# externalDebugHttpPort specifies the node port that should be allocated for the operator's
# Java remote debug interface.
# This parameter is required if 'remoteDebugNodePortEnabled' is true.
# Otherwise, it is ignored.
externalDebugHttpPort: 30999

# webhookDebugHttpPort specifies the port number inside the Kubernetes cluster for the webhook's Java
# remote debug interface.
# This parameter is required if 'remoteDebugNodePortEnabled' is true.
# Otherwise, it is ignored.
webhookDebugHttpPort: 31999

# dns1123Fields overrides the default list of field names that the operator
# converts to DNS-1123 legal values when replacing variable references in the 
# Domain resource. The default list can be found inside the class LegalNames
# in the oracle.kubernetes.operator.helpers package.
# Supply a comma separated list of field names to customize the list of fields
# such as "name, claimName, volumeName", or leave it commented out to use 
# the default list of field names.
# dns1123Fields: ""

# introspectorJobNameSuffix overrides the default suffix that the operator uses
# to append to the domainUID to form the name of the domain introspector job name.
# Note that the resultant job name should not be more than 58 characters due to
# the Kubernetes limit to the name of a job and Kubernetes appends five additional
# characters to the name of the pod that is created by the job controller.
# The default suffix is '-introspector'.
# The default suffix in pre-3.1.0 is "-introspect-domain-job"
introspectorJobNameSuffix: "-introspector"

# externalServiceNameSuffix overrides the default suffix that the operator uses
# to append to the domainUID and the WebLogic admin server name, to form the name
# of the domain's admin server external service.
# Note that the resultant name should not be more than 63 characters due to
# the Kubernetes limit to the name of a service.
# The default suffix is '-ext'.
# The default suffix in pre-3.1.0 is "-external".
externalServiceNameSuffix: "-ext"

# clusterSizePaddingValidationEnabled specifies if additional one or two characters
# need to be reserved to account for longer managed server names because of an increased
# cluster size.
# The default value is true.
clusterSizePaddingValidationEnabled: true

# tokenReviewAuthentication, if set to true, specifies whether the operator's REST API should use
#   1. Kubernetes token review API for authenticating users, and
#   2. Kubernetes subject access review API for authorizing a user's operation (get, list,
#      patch, etc) on a resource.
#   3. Update the Domain resource using the operator's privileges.
# This parameter, if set to false, will use the caller's bearer token for any update
# to the Domain resource so that it is done using the caller's privileges.
# The default value is false.
#tokenReviewAuthentication: false

# runAsuser specifies the UID to run the operator and conversion webhook container processes. 
# If not specified, it defaults to the user specified in the operator's container image.
#runAsUser: 1000

# jvmOptions specifies a value used to control the Java process that runs the operator, such as the maximum heap size
# that will be allocated.
#jvmOptions: -XshowSettings:vm -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=70

Prepare an operator namespace and service account

Create a namespace for the operator.
dave@dave:~$ kubectl create namespace sample-weblogic-operator-ns
namespace/sample-weblogic-operator-ns created

Create a service account for the operator in the operator’s namespace.
$ kubectl create serviceaccount -n sample-weblogic-operator-ns sample-weblogic-operator-sa
serviceaccount/sample-weblogic-operator-sa created

Set up Helm with the location of the operator Helm chart using this format: helm repo add
$ helm repo add weblogic-operator --force-update  
bash: helm: command not found...
Install package 'helm' to provide command 'helm'? [N/y] y

 * Waiting in queue... 
 * Loading list of packages.... 
The following packages have to be installed:
 helm-3.11.1-3.fc39.x86_64    The Kubernetes Package Manager
Proceed with changes? [N/y] y

 * Waiting in queue... 
 * Waiting for authentication... 
 * Waiting in queue... 
 * Downloading packages... 
 * Requesting data... 
 * Testing changes... 
 * Installing packages... 
"weblogic-operator" has been added to your repositories

Install the operator using this format: helm install helm-release-name helm-chart-repo-name/weblogic-operator
 helm install sample-weblogic-operator weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator \
  --namespace sample-weblogic-operator-ns \
  --set serviceAccount=sample-weblogic-operator-sa \

W1214 10:49:38.244503    9090 warnings.go:70] autopilot-default-resources-mutator:Autopilot updated Deployment sample-weblogic-operator-ns/weblogic-operator-webhook: defaulted unspecified resources for containers [weblogic-operator-webhook] (see
W1214 10:49:38.640698    9090 warnings.go:70] autopilot-default-resources-mutator:Autopilot updated Deployment sample-weblogic-operator-ns/weblogic-operator: defaulted unspecified resources for containers [weblogic-operator] (see

NAME: sample-weblogic-operator
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Dec 14 10:49:28 2023
NAMESPACE: sample-weblogic-operator-ns
STATUS: deployed

Verify that the operator’s pod is running by listing the pods in the operator’s namespace. You should see one for the operator and one for the conversion webhook, a singleton Deployment in your Kubernetes cluster that automatically and transparently upgrades domain resources.
dave@dave:~$ kubectl get pods -n sample-weblogic-operator-ns
NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
weblogic-operator-6677f5d6c7-rz4wl           0/1     Running   1 (20s ago)   4m6s
weblogic-operator-webhook-856586b545-kgzwb   0/1     Running   1 (44s ago)   4m6s

Verify that the operator is up and running by viewing the operator pod’s log.
ave@dave:~$ kubectl logs -n sample-weblogic-operator-ns -c weblogic-operator deployments/weblogic-operator
Launching Oracle WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator...
VM settings:
    Max. Heap Size (Estimated): 348.00M
    Using VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM

{"timestamp":"2023-12-14T09:53:40.891044705Z","thread":1,"fiber":"","namespace":"","domainUID":"","level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.helpers.HealthCheckHelper","method":"createAndValidateKubernetesVersion","timeInMillis":1702547620891,"message":"Kubernetes version is: v1.27.3-gke.100","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
{"timestamp":"2023-12-14T09:53:42.879456951Z","thread":1,"fiber":"","namespace":"","domainUID":"","level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.OperatorMain$MainDelegateImpl","method":"logStartup","timeInMillis":1702547622879,"message":"Oracle WebLogic Kubernetes Operator, version: 4.1.7, implementation: 56168ebd623a134e638b23608109415459cb5a10.56168eb, build time: 2023-11-27T15:26:28+0000","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
{"timestamp":"2023-12-14T09:53:42.975662989Z","thread":1,"fiber":"","namespace":"","domainUID":"","level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.OperatorMain$MainDelegateImpl","method":"lambda$logStartup$0","timeInMillis":1702547622975,"message":"The following optional operator features are enabled: []","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
{"timestamp":"2023-12-14T09:53:42.981779347Z","thread":1,"fiber":"","namespace":"","domainUID":"","level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.OperatorMain$MainDelegateImpl","method":"logStartup","timeInMillis":1702547622981,"message":"Operator namespace is: sample-weblogic-operator-ns","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
{"timestamp":"2023-12-14T09:53:42.986408945Z","thread":1,"fiber":"","namespace":"","domainUID":"","level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.OperatorMain$MainDelegateImpl","method":"logStartup","timeInMillis":1702547622986,"message":"Operator service account is: sample-weblogic-operator-sa","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}
{"timestamp":"2023-12-14T09:53:52.190762872Z","thread":37,"fiber":"fiber-1 NOT_COMPLETE","namespace":"","domainUID":"","level":"INFO","class":"oracle.kubernetes.operator.OperatorMain","method":"logStartingLivenessMessage","timeInMillis":1702547632190,"message":"Starting operator liveness Thread","exception":"","code":"","headers":{},"body":""}

Create a Traefik ingress controller

Set up Helm with the location of the Traefik Helm chart using
helm repo add traefik --force-update
Create a namespace for the ingress controller.
kubectl create namespace traefik
Install Traefik using this
$ helm install traefik-operator traefik/traefik \
    --namespace traefik \
    --set "ports.web.nodePort=30305" \
    --set "ports.websecure.nodePort=30443" \
    --set "kubernetes.namespaces={traefik}"
W1214 10:56:29.375049    9468 warnings.go:70] autopilot-default-resources-mutator:Autopilot updated Deployment traefik/traefik-operator: defaulted unspecified resources for containers [traefik-operator] (see
NAME: traefik-operator
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Dec 14 10:56:25 2023
NAMESPACE: traefik
STATUS: deployed
Traefik Proxy v2.10.6 has been deployed successfully on traefik namespace !

This deploys the Traefik controller with plain text node port 30305, SSL node port 30443, and kubernetes.namespaces specifically set.

Check GKE cluster in GCP console

Weblogic operator

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