- sample image
Search for image
Pastdave@dave ~]$ docker search
ubi8/go-toolset Platform for building and running Go 1.11.5 … 0
ubi9/go-toolset rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9/go-tool… 0
ubi7 The Universal Base Image is designed and eng… 0
ubi9-beta/ubi Provides the latest release of Red Hat Unive… 0
ubi8/openjdk-8-runtime OpenJDK 1.8 runtime-only image on Red Hat Un… 0
ubi8/openjdk-11-runtime OpenJDK 11 runtime-only image on Red Hat Uni… 0
ubi8/openjdk-17-runtime OpenJDK 17 runtime-only image on Red Hat Uni… 0
ubi7/ubi-minimal The Universal Base Image Init is designed to… 0
ubi7/ubi-init The Universal Base Image Init is designed to… 0
ubi8-minimal The Universal Base Image Minimal is a stripp… 0
ubi7-minimal The Universal Base Image Minimal is a stripp… 0
ubi8/ubi-micro Provides the latest release of Micro Univers… 0
ubi9-beta/ubi-minimal Provides the latest release of the Minimal R… 0
ubi9/ubi-init rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9/ubi-init 0
ubi9-init rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9-init 0
ubi9-micro rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9-micro 0
ubi7/ubi The Universal Base Image is designed and eng… 0
ubi8/ubi Provides the latest release of the Red Hat U… 0
ubi8 The Universal Base Image is designed and eng… 0
ubi9/ubi rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9/ubi 0
ubi9 rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9 0
ubi8/ubi-minimal Provides the latest release of the Minimal R… 0
ubi8/ubi-init Provides the latest release of the Red Hat U… 0
ubi8-init The Universal Base Image Init is designed to… 0
ubi7-init The Universal Base Image Init is designed to… 0
ubi8-micro Provides the latest release of Micro Univers… 0
ubi9-beta/ubi-init Provides the latest release of the Red Hat U… 0
ubi9-beta/ubi-micro Provides the latest release of Micro Univers… 0
ubi9/ubi-minimal rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9/ubi-min… 0
ubi9/ubi-micro rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9/ubi-mic… 0
ubi9-minimal rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9-minimal 0
ubi7/php-72 Apache 2.4 with PHP 7.2 0
ubi8/php-72 Platform for building and running PHP 7.2 ap… 0
ubi8/s2i-core Base image which allows using of source-to-i… 0
ubi8/s2i-base Base image with essential libraries and tool… 0
ubi8/python-27 Platform for building and running Python 2.7… 0
ubi8/python-36 Platform for building and running Python 3.6… 0
ubi7/nodejs-8 Platform for building and running Node.js 8 … 0
ubi7/ruby-25 Platform for building and running Ruby 2.5 a… 0
ubi7/python-27 Python 2.7 platform for building and running… 0
ubi8/dotnet-21 .NET Core 2.1 SDK and Runtime on RHEL 8 0
ubi7/go-toolset Platform for building and running Go Applica… 0
ubi8/ruby-26 Platform for building and running Ruby 2.6 a… 0
ubi8/nodejs-12 Platform for building and running Node.js 12… 0
ubi8/php-73 Platform for building and running PHP 7.3 ap… 0
ubi7/nodejs-10 Platform for building and running Node.js 10… 0
ubi8/dotnet-30 .NET Core 3.0 SDK and Runtime on RHEL 8 0
ubi7/php-73 Platform for building and running PHP 7.3 ap… 0
ubi7/nodejs-12 Platform for building and running Node.js 12… 0
ubi8/openjdk-8 Source To Image (S2I) image for Red Hat Open… 0
ubi8/python-38 Platform for building and running Python 3.8… 0
ubi8/dotnet-31-runtime .NET Core 3.1 runtime only on RHEL 8 0
ubi8/nginx-118 Platform for running nginx 1.18 or building … 0
ubi8/ruby-27 Platform for building and running Ruby 2.7 a… 0
ubi8/dotnet-50 .NET 5.0 SDK and Runtime on RHEL 8 0
ubi7/nginx-118 Platform for running nginx 1.18 or building … 0
ubi8/pause Podman pod infrastructure container 0
ubi8/skopeo Containerized version of Skopeo 0
ubi8/python-39 Platform for building and running Python 3.9… 0
ubi8/httpd-24 Platform for running Apache httpd 2.4 or bui… 0
ubi7/ruby-30 Ruby 3.0 0
ubi8/podman Containerized version of Podman 0
ubi7/nginx-120 Platform for running nginx 1.20 or building … 0
ubi8/openjdk-17 Source To Image (S2I) image for Red Hat Open… 0
ubi8/php-80 rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi8/php-80 0
ubi8/perl-532 rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi8/perl-532 0
ubi8/dotnet-21-runtime Provides the latest release of Red Hat Enter… 0
ubi8/perl-526 Platform for building and running Perl 5.26 … 0
ubi8/nodejs-10 Platform for building and running Node.js 10… 0
ubi8/ruby-25 Platform for building and running Ruby 2.5 a… 0
ubi7/python-36 Platform for building and running Python 3.6… 0
ubi7/s2i-core Base image which allows using of source-to-i… 0
ubi7/s2i-base Base image with essential libraries and tool… 0
ubi8/dotnet-30-runtime .NET Core 3.0 runtime only on RHEL 8 0
ubi7/ruby-26 Platform for building and running Ruby 2.5 a… 0
ubi8/openjdk-11 Source To Image (S2I) image for Red Hat Open… 0
ubi8/dotnet-31 .NET Core 3.1 SDK and Runtime on RHEL 8 0
ubi7/ruby-27 Platform for building and running Ruby 2.7 a… 0
ubi7/python-38 Python 3.8 platform for building and running… 0
ubi8/nodejs-14 Platform for building and running Node.js 14… 0
ubi8/perl-530 Platform for building and running Perl 5.26 … 0
ubi8/php-74 Platform for building and running PHP 7.4 ap… 0
ubi8/dotnet-50-runtime .NET 5.0 runtime only on RHEL 8 0
ubi7/nodejs-14 Platform for building and running Node.js 14… 0
ubi8/buildah Containerized version of Buildah 0
ubi8/nodejs-14-minimal Minimal image for running Node.js 14 applica… 0
ubi8/toolbox Toolbox containerized shell image based in U… 0
ubi8/ruby-30 Platform for building and running Ruby 3.0 a… 0
ubi8/nginx-120 Platform for running nginx 1.20 or building … 0
ubi8/nodejs-16 Platform for building and running Node.js 16… 0
ubi8/nodejs-16-minimal Minimal image for running Node.js 16 applica… 0
ubi8/dotnet-60-runtime .NET 6.0 runtime only on RHEL 8 0
ubi8/dotnet-60 .NET 6.0 SDK and Runtime on RHEL 8 0
ubi8/openssl rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi8/openssl 0
ubi9-beta/toolbox Toolbox containerized shell image based in U… 0
rhel8/toolbox Toolbox containerized shell image based in U… 0
rhel9-beta/toolbox Toolbox containerized shell image based in U… 0
ubi9/toolbox rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9/toolbox 0
ubi9/openjdk-11-runtime rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9/openjdk… 0
ubi9/openjdk-17-runtime rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9/openjdk… 0
e your text here.
Create container
dave@dave ~]$ docker run -it --name ubi-test bash
Unable to find image '' locally
latest: Pulling from ubi8/ubi
7985264c26f7: Pull complete
0689084f485b: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:38e7c463209e3c5b7f1fcb79bb250e4653a66f3be9f23f5d175eeeadf8c3da79
Status: Downloaded newer image for
[root@634052a6ad62 /]# more /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.6 (Ootpa)
[root@634052a6ad62 /]# ls /
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
Sample custom image
[dave@dave simple]$ more Dockerfile
RUN dnf install -y python3
CMD mkdir /myapp
WORKDIR /myapp
COPY ./ .
CMD ./
Build image
$ docker build -t redhat-ubi-myapp .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.096kB
Step 1/6 : FROM
---> 16fb1f57c5af
Step 2/6 : RUN dnf install -y python3
---> Using cache
---> 22a66860e864
Step 3/6 : CMD mkdir /myapp
---> Using cache
---> 1c724139c1c9
Step 4/6 : WORKDIR /myapp
---> Using cache
---> 3ca288265be2
Step 5/6 : COPY ./ .
---> 22db0568addf
Step 6/6 : CMD ./
---> Running in 5328a64d06ad
Removing intermediate container 5328a64d06ad
---> af70183187f5
Successfully built af70183187f5
Successfully tagged redhat-ubi-myapp:latest
Run image
[dave@dave simple]$ docker run redhat-ubi-myapp
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.7 (Ootpa)