Saturday, March 16, 2024

Weblogic dynamic clusters


Previously, the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator supported configured clusters only.  That is, the operator could only manage and scale Managed Servers defined for a configured cluster.  Now, this limitation has been removed. By supporting dynamic clusters, the operator can easily scale the number of Managed Server instances based on a server template instead of requiring that you first manually configure them.


Creating a Dynamic Cluster in a WebLogic Domain in Kubernetes


The WebLogic Server team has been actively working to integrate WebLogic Server in Kubernetes, WebLogic Server Certification on Kubernetes.  The Oracle WebLogic Kubernetes Operator provides a mechanism for creating and managing any number of WebLogic domains, automates domain startup, allows scaling of WebLogic clusters, manages load balancing for web applications deployed in WebLogic clusters, and provides integration with Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. The operator is currently available as an open source project at  

 To create a WebLogic domain, see scripts

The following parameters of the input file are used when creating a dynamic cluster:






The name of the WebLogic cluster instance to generate for the domain.



The type of WebLogic cluster. Legal values are "CONFIGURED" or "DYNAMIC".




The number of Managed Server instances to generate for the domain.



The number of Managed Servers to start initially for the domain.



Base string used to generate Managed Server names.  Used as the server name prefix in a server template for dynamic clusters.





The following example configuration will create a dynamic cluster named ‘cluster-1’ with four defined Managed Servers (managed-server1 … managed-server4) in which the operator will initially start up two Managed Servers instances, managed-server1and managed-server2:


# Type of WebLogic Cluster

# Legal values are "CONFIGURED" or "DYNAMIC"

clusterType: DYNAMIC


# Cluster name

clusterName: cluster-1


# Number of Managed Servers to generate for the domain

configuredManagedServerCount: 4


# Number of Managed Servers to initially start for the domain

initialManagedServerReplicas: 2


    # Base string used to generate Managed Server names

managedServerNameBase: managed-server


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